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The company “In.Science” aims at helping graduate students, teachers, scientists and all those who pay attention to the formation of their scientist image.

A high quality of scientific article facilitates its further acceptance in top-ranked journals which reflects the result which the scientist aims to achieve during their activity. The founder of the company has been working with scientific articles for more than 7 years. Initially, the work was associated with publication of scientific articles, later the activity was transformed into other projects related to this industry. The development of skills in working with scientific materials for a long time is connected with writing scientific papers for Scopus, WoS, as well as HAC and other databases, including international ones. Over the years of experience in preparing high-quality scientific papers, we have repeatedly encountered many problems (lack of unique papers, the professionalism of authors, etc.), and consequently, we can help solve them. To write rating scientific articles, it is necessary not only to have academic degrees and titles but expertise and professionalism in article writing are much more important. The main objective of the company “In.Science” is the quality of the work performed, aimed at improving scientific articles.


The target audience. The company “In.Science” aims at helping graduate students, teachers, scientists and all those who pay attention to the formation of their scientist image. The defense of candidate and doctoral dissertations implies articles published in journals listed in various international databases, which requires professional knowledge and well-prepared scientific papers. We can also offer our services to other categories of researchers, including students, who seek to share their scientific research publishing in journals according to international requirements. In the process of reviewing a scientific work, the editors of the journal provide comments that need to be addressed for the possible publication of the article, so “In.Science” can help finalize peer-reviewed articles.

Quality of execution

We guarantee the quality of the work performed and the services provided. Writing scientific articles requires special qualifications and professional training, which is different from writing texts in other registers (for social networks, fiction, etc.). The labor-intensive process of writing a scientific article is based on a thorough check at each of the stages according to prior agreement with the client. An individual approach to each scientific paper is guaranteed, as the characteristics of international journals are taken into account (for example, for some articles the IMRAD structure is required, for others it should be modified). Articles has high uniqueness (more than 90%), which eliminates the use of previously published papers. The quality of the work performed is based on a previously conducted study, which includes appropriate data and without falsified indicators.

Why “In.Science”?

Our work is based on professionalism and creativity of the experienced and lead specialists of the company. Before and during establishing “In.Science”, more than 300 articles (not including revised articles) were written and found positive reviews in the editorial offices of journals. The activity of “In.Science” aims at complying with international standards while working with scientific articles, following the plan agreed with the author and the requirements for the presentation of scientific information. The quality and creativity of the work performed is the aim of the company at any stages of work. Understanding approaches to writing articles is reflected in the quality of the materials provided. The work process is organized in such a way that template materials cannot be presented in the articles, which is controlled at every stage. A wide range of services offered is aimed to improve scientific articles for publication in the most preferable category for the client.

The founder of the company has gone through all stages of work with scientific articles, from their audit to the indexing of articles in international databases, so she has information and understanding of the processes of article writing, the requirements of journal editors (reviewers), which is related to the quality of the written work. In addition, experience in including journals in international scientometric databases was reflected in the understanding of the requirements for published scientific papers.

Ethical standards of cooperation

We guarantee the confidentiality of work with each client, which is secured by signing the relevant agreement. We confirm that each scientific article is unique and duplication of the results obtained in other works is eliminated, which also meets the ethical standards for rating scientific articles (Committee on Publication Ethics, https://publicationethics.org/).