Writing a scientific article is a laborious process that requires the knowledge in the professional field and an understanding of the rules for writing a scientific work. The quality of a scientific article is interconnected with the chosen structure of the work, following the scientific style of writing, the uniqueness of the materials used, the relevance and novelty of the research, the quality of the selected sources for literature review, the right choice of the methodology, etc.
The topic of the article should be properly formulated, reflect the main uniqueness of the work and should not be represented by a few sentences in the title. Based on the research topic, the main goal of the article should be succinctly formulated, the main objectives of the study should be selected. Understanding the specifics of the research topic is formed on the basis of the study of scientific papers published in various international databases (Scopus, Web of Science), the study of many literary sources and their analysis. The conclusions made after studying the literature will allow you to identify existing gaps in previously written works and form the novelty of your work.
While preparing for writing a scientific paper, you should decide on the structure of the future article, which will allow you to focus on the selection of relevant information. Scientific data presented in the work must correspond to a certain section. Artificially selected sections decrease the quality of scientific work.
The introduction should reveal the specifics of the research topic, the theoretical and practical features that are the basis of the study. In the introduction, it is necessary to indicate the purpose and objectives of the work. The Introduction section can include the literature review or the Literature Review section can be separate. The section is devoted to analysis and evaluation of previously published scientific papers and identification of existing gaps. The Materials and Methods section should reflect the sequence of the study, the methods used (general theoretical and analytical), ethical aspects of the study. The Results section represents the author’s analytical view on the research topic, outcomes of work and it should avoid general information. Information should be systematized and visualized using figures, tables. The Discussion section should contain a comparative analysis of published materials with the research carried out, thereby revealing the novelty of the work. The Conclusions section should include brief results obtained by the authors, indicating the prospects for future research.
The article should be characterized by uniqueness, originality, novelty, which will distinguish it from other scientific research. The presented parameters can be achieved as a result of studying scientific sources, identifying gaps in previously published studies. The article should include new discussion mechanisms and own views for studying the chosen topic. Scientific articles should be aimed at obtaining specific results, which include the relationship between practical tools and theoretical material.
The quality of an article is related to the credibility of the sources used. Authors should focus on articles from journals indexed in Scopus and BOC. It should also be taken into account that more than 80% of articles must be published in the last 5 years, which confirms their relevance in new work and excludes the use of obsolete materials. Authors should exclude self-citation (allowable 2%) and avoid repetition of works by the same authors. You should focus on publications of authors from different countries, which will update the results of the study for scientists from all over the world and will not be limited to one region.
It is preferable to avoid repeating information in different sections of the article. The information should be interconnected, but not duplicated. This applies to the Results section, as its main points are reflected in the abstract, conclusions and are interrelated with the methodology. The quality of a scientific article is interconnected with the depth of the study of information, except the use of the general phrases and terminology, which form only a basic concept of the research topic. In the process of writing articles, one should adhere to the scientific style of presenting information, avoid the commonly used words, and numerous repetitions. The text of the scientific work should be harmonious and the information should be presented in the logic order and sequence.
The percentage of high-quality original work must be at least 85% (depending on the scientific publication). In scientific articles, it is not allowed to use previously published materials, which complies with ethical standards for publications.