Editing articles in accordance with the requirements of journals (formatting articles)

Home/Editing articles in accordance with the requirements of journals (formatting articles)

While reviewing and accepting an article, not only the content and quality of the paper have an importance, but also its compliance with the technical requirements of the journal. The journal provides specific requirements for formatting articles, including a text, bibliography, figures, and tables. Particular attention should be paid to all sections of the article, since the title of the topic may differ in format from the titles of sections. The formatting of the formulas should correspond to the style of the journal, be presented in an editable form, and not in the format of illustrations. The list of references is one of the first elements that reviewers and editors of articles pay attention to, which is associated with a variety of formatting styles (American Psychological Association (APA), Harvard, Vancouver, etc.) that may be acceptable for a single journal. An article edited in accordance with the requirements of a single journal leads to a more loyal attitude of the editor towards it, and, as a result, to its further consideration and transfer to reviewers.

When editing articles, the accuracy of indicating the author’s data and formatting the list of references is important, because it influences the correct indexing in international databases. It affects the creation of the author’s profile in databases, as well as an increase in the scientometric parameters of the scientist (h-index) as a result of the correct citation of literature sources.